WS01 - Learning and working together as prerequisites for the development of high-quality software
Gabriele Frankl, Sofie Bitter and Bonifaz Kaufmann (Workshop Website)

A major challenge for software engineering is to coordinate many individuals, whose work is heavily depending on each other. This enormous complexity often results in error-prone products. Minor mistakes can already have major side-effects impacting the entire software product. For individuals, the challenge is to focus on their own tasks, however, obeying certain design principles and without losing sight of the overall target. Therefore, we argue that software engineering is a highly collaborative process. However, we lack knowledge in general how to collaborate successfully. Consequently, there is also still a lot of potential for teaching and improving collaboration in software engineering education.

The aim of this workshop is to address the problematic, how (e-)collaboration can be taught and fostered in the field of software engineering. The awareness that cooperation and (e-)collaboration are cornerstones for high-quality software products shall be augmented among software engineers. The aims of the workshop are to:
  • connect researchers in the area of software engineering, cooperation and (e-)collaboration, team learning and team performance, well-being within work groups and foster the connection between the topics and areas
  • raise and discuss relevant questions regarding software engineering and (e-)collaboration in an interdisciplinary context
  • transfer answers to specific questions into research papers
As more exchange between the various research disciplines is needed, we invite participants from all related research areas to submit a position paper (max. 3-5 pages), addressing the following questions:
  • What are the main obstacles to teaching cooperation and (e-)collaboration?
  • How can cooperation and (e-)collaboration in software engineering education be fostered?
  • How can we overcome the fundamental tensions between the individual's and the group's interests?
  • Are there best practice examples (for instance, pair programming)?

Important Dates
Position Paper Submission Deadline: Friday February 21, 2014
Acceptance Notification: Monday February 24, 2014
Camera-Ready Deadline: Friday February 28, 2014